01 First Thoughts:

… i am up earlier than usual… it is not even 4AM… i started coming to before 3… Fiona decide to clean my feet, she’s a tidy dog… yes, we have always let the dogs sleep with us… long ago, when we lived in a loft that got cold in the winter, we had three dogs who would cuddle with us on three dog nights…

… as early as i am awake, i am also alert, ready to go… not sure how that happens on only five hours of sleep…

… spoke with J on the phone yesterday… they had not been answering texts, missed a zoom meeting appointment… they are stressed out about their upcoming trip to see C and J… it’s not surprising…

… we talked about R whom we are both concerned about…

… Heather Cox Richardson makes the point that the country has flirted with oligarchy before, but never authoritarianism, which is what we are flirting with now…

… there is a bird starting its morning song already, 3:53 AM, sunrise isn’t until 5:30 AM…

… there is an update for Craft, which i am trying to remove from my system, so i don’t install it…

… the mini fan i got for my desktop is brilliant, has allowed me to work in my studio even with high temperatures outside… the studio is not air conditioned… some summers i have spent the entire summer in the dining room where there is AC… hoping to avoid that this year… who would have thought that an inexpensive little fan would do the trick…