… morning flow not as i prefer, kitchen not clean, coffee not set up, urgent bathroom needs…

… desire for new desk pad because my new mouse sticks to the desk surface, making it frustrating to use… i order a new one from Amazon, will be here tomorrow, near instant gratification… while i am at it, i order a birthday gift card for R, now have to think about something for C too… still a million things to do before leaving for BI…

… been feeling exhausted lately, not unable to function, but kind of spent… been feeling very much like the pollen in the air is getting to me, draining me with histamine reaction… not usually much of an allergy sufferer, the occasional bad year though… this seems to be one of those…

… hot today, the window ACs will have to be hauled up from the basement… we got a long way without needing them… the first heat wave of the season on its way…

… train horns in the distance, freight train coming through… this side of the river?, it seems so close… happens sometimes, usually other side of river… this is the commuting train side…