… several thought streams in my brain…

… yesterday i ordered a b-day gift for J… part of me didn’t want to… such a weird dynamic…

… this AM a post or two by S about their life which is happier these days with G in it… lightning has struck them twice… i hope we get to meet G…

… it struck me that i like posting to Micro.blog, even though so few people get to see it… much of the same content could be posted to FB, but i don’t like posting there… i don’t like having adds and aesthetics forced on me… i don’t like that they harvest data, i don’t like much of it… so, i prefer obscurity with control… that seems to be the choice these days, obscurity with control, community on corporate terms…

… the loud bird just started cranking up… i don’t know what sort of bird it is… i imagine it large and bold, but it could easily be tiny… all i know of it is its very loud sing-song voice…

… wondering if we will have any of the 17 year cicada cohort around here… so far, no signs of it… i will be disappointed if we don’t… i remember the last major cohort, there was more of it to the north…