… out for my morning meditative photo walk… R texts about family meeting… we chat some… they tell me J is really into photography, that they want to be a photographer for non-profit social benefit entities… they want to travel… i say J can come visit anytime, that hopefully i will get out to see them soon, that in the meantime i will share some websites that they might find interesting…

… i am in Kitchen and Coffee again this morning… i got here earlier… not as crowded yet… the music and decor are comfortably inoffensive to anyone’s sensibilities, unless you hate vanilla moderne decor…

… i am again the oldest human in the cafe by far… lots of young voices chattering away…

… need to put together photos for Salon on Tuesday…

… it’s so white in here… i think, that is what slightly disturbs me… it’s corporate patriarchal white…

… sitting in the living room watching bread baking how to videos by Sune the Food Geek… H’s pandemic skill is bread baking, especially sour dough… H belongs to a bread baking group that Sune belongs to and communicates with them directly…

… the end of a busy Sunday… Fiona with her head in my lap… Chas comfortably ensconced in the chair across the room… not sure where Rubie (the cat, named after the Harry Potter character, Rubeus Hagrid) is…