… a gray, peaceful morning… decided on the abandoned bridge route… i haven’t done it since August… Ida rearranged some things as i expected…

… a flock of crows/ravens flies by as i leave the house… heading north with purpose… not milling about and squawking at one another as they did the other day…

… i pass a gay couple on the street out for their morning constitutional… they look through me as we pass… recently arrived from NYC?…

… K is out walking their dog, we wave hi from across the street… later we pass on the same side and wish each other good morning…

… as i pass through neighborhoods, political signs give me the lay of the land… conservative, liberal, not willing to proclaim in public…

… i am thinking a lot about radical conservatives and their commitment to making themselves the boss of us all in perpetuity… it’s existential for them… their way of life is on the ropes… they are trying to force us to their way of looking at the world… it’s not clear to me that they will fail… i have no desire to live in the world they propose… wondering what i can, what i will do to be part of stopping it… too many days the HCR meter points towards civil war… some comfort in reviewing the events of 1963… that was a tumultuous year…

… i pass a construction site where an Hasidic Jewish man supervises… mom’s waiting for the school-bus with their children… bus comes, children board, mom’s disperse…

… i am now walking through the valley of car dealerships towards the walk of sorrows…