01 First Thoughts

These are not my best thoughts, just the first ones that rise out of my brain in the morning as the coffee starts to do its thing…

… Heather Cox Richardson reviewed Biden’s speech last night and compared it to a speech FDR gave on the occasion of the fall of Rome to the allies during the Second World War… it’s a hopeful post… we have some difficult years ahead, but for the moment the trajectory seems good…

… back to the regular “work week,” in quotes because i don’t have a job per se that pushes me into that rhythm, only the job i have given myself, my photography…

… i took the Nikon out on Sunday… i needed a break from the iPhone camera… i seem to be more thoughtful, more “focused” if you will, more able to be in an art making frame of mind when i use it… i am not sure there should be such a difference in the frame of mind but there is…

… a micro.blogger talking about taking a break from twitter… as i posted yesterday, i have begun to reconfigure my social media engagement and it feels good… i will spend much less time in the irritating environments of twitter instagram and Facebook… i will keep my accounts because it is the best way to share with people i have in person relationships with, but it will be mostly to share what i write here…

… it turns out i can link Tumblr to my Micro.blog account, but i am not sure i want to… not clear that everything i post to m.b should go to Tumblr…