… slept through the night as i have been most nights lately…

… Fiona got me up a little before the birds started giving praise to the dawn… she wanted water and to go out…

… kitchen ready to go, always a blessing, not always a fact…

… news that in addition to H’s sister, we will be seeing O and S while we are out here… we are glad about that…

… i seem to be devoid of any significant thoughts to start the day with…

… maybe this is significant, i am contemplating centering my social media efforts largely around micro.blog, assuming i can eventually get into community here… i have been working at it, but if success can be measured by replies to posts, then i have a long way to go as there have been no replies to my posts… there has been evidence of members looking at my post stream, just no replies… there is one individual i am following who is complaining it is hard to break in, and i may agree with them… still, i like the way my thoughts post to the new venue, maybe in time it will become apparent that there is some value to them for others…