Notes On Attention Paid

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@hollyhoneychurch yah, panpsyhcisim is a bit tricky to wrap one’s consciousness around. It is the idea that consciousness is a fundamental quality of the cosmos that all matter poseses. To accept this idea as a possible truth, you need to adjust your idea of what consciousness is. Consciousness can be most simply defined as the ability to perceive or be aware. The ability to sense or experience the presence of something other and react to it. With that basic definition of consciousness, one can extend consciousness to all manner of matter right down to sub atomic particles. For example, the electrons and nucleus of an atom can be said to be aware of each other as they “sense” the presence of the other and react in ways that lead to something we call an atom. The earth and the moon can be said to be aware of one another as each exerts a pull on the other through gravity and they dance through space. That’s the gist of it I think. Most scientists reject it. It’s been known as a career killer to pursue it in serious study. However, it’s gaining ground as a legitimate theory. It solves some difficult problems such as, where is the line between what conscious and not conscious? Bertrand Russell, one of England’s most famous philosophers and mathematicians of the last century, trended in the panpsychic direction.

I enjoy fantasy too, usually in the medium of film or television. Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones. It just needs to be well done. I imagine this is why you enjoy providing content for children.