My wife is a huge Todd Rundgren fan, me, not so much. Making my wife happy, priceless!

Screenshot of concert ticket for Todd Rundgren show.

Spring is springing!

Dogwood tree in full bloom.

One of the joys of exploring the feminine space is accessorizing! Picked these necklaces up at the local flea market for $40.

Two vintage statement necklaces.

Today’s look…

Head shot of trans-feminine person wearing thick framed, dark blue glasses, batik print headband and gray turtleneck shirt. Hair is shoulder length. Her expression is one of slight irritation.

This dinosaur figure is part of an exhibit in a gallery dedicated to limited edition collectors plastic figures.

T Rex type dinosaur plastic toy in a high end gallery show.

The truck at the end of the line has been sitting there with a flat tire for months. In the last week or so the otherer two have joined it. Old pickup truck convention?

Three old pickup trucks in a row. Streetscape early morning.

Today’s look…

Portrait of trans-feminine man, with multi colored beaded headband, crystal green thick frame glasses and peach colored lipstick.

Today’s look…

Self portrait trans-feminine man with hair down to shoulders, colored translucent bead necklace pink headband, blue frame glasses and pink lipstick.

The color of theis bicycle tire rim is just amazing… reminds me of watermelon…

Closeup of bicycle tire rim curving from upper right to lower left. The rim is a beautiful hue of pink-red-orange.

Did you know? That the iPhone photo app automatically identifies plants and flowers? Not people though.

Moth orchid photograph with information about date and camera used below.

One more colander view, this one near 93% totality, which is as good as it gets where we are. I was able to get a set of interval shots with my Nikon.

Eclipse projected onto a white background through the holes of a colander. Eclipse is close to totality.

The colander view…

Eclipse viewed through a colander projection on a white surface. Eclipse about half way to totality. An image projected in the circular radial pattern of the colander.

Eclipse viewing and recording supplies…

iPhone with lens filter, eclipse glasses, colander and whiteboard for multiple pinhole camera effect.

Inspired by Guido Guidi’s book, Lunario, I made these images today while thinking about the solar eclipse that will happen later today. It will be about 93% total for us. Will try to get some pictures to share…

Circle of light colored concrete in concrete sidewalk, with concrete curb running from 1/3 in from the right corner to the lower right corner.

3/4 of the circular patch in concrete sidewalk rising out of the lower right corner in a rectangular frame.

3/4 of circular patch in concrete sidewalk dropping down from upper left corner of rectangular frame.

Circular bank vault door and opening shot past window frame and showing part of a large window above the vault.

Painted dashed markings on asphalt road surface indicating where sewer piping runs from a manhole cover in the upper right corner.

Circular utility pipe cover in concrete sidewalk. Cover has three concentric circles and is vertically centered and approximately 2/5 over from the right of a rectangular frame.

Three small circular patches in a row dropping in a slight arc from the top of the vertically oriented rectangular frame.

Two belts coiled in tight circles, with silver circular buckles. The one on the left is propped up by the one on the right.

Clouds illusions…

Reflected clouds and buildings overlay interior lights and window opening through a shop window.

I am often grateful for the detritus of the previous day of human activity…

Disintegrating newsprint coupon circular on wet concrete pavement

This is why it’s seriously possible 45 will become 47. It’s like discussing the weather while the house is burning down. It normalizes what is beyond abnormal.

Enjoying making these hallway photographs at my moms’s assisted living facility. Start of a series?

Curved inside corner in a hallway with potted plant in middle of curve, edge of a fire door to the right, sharp outside corner on the left, green EXIT sign at the top left of the frame.

Really like this photo I made this morning. It suggests much without saying it directly. One could write a short story out of this image.

Picture of outside of building. French doors to left. Wheel chair visible through the doors. A garden chair on the outside to the right. A shadow line cutting across scene from left to right.

Self portrait…

Selfie head shot of artist with prominent crystal frame glasses, black headband and dark grey turtleneck.

Any Pickleball devotees out there? I am in the birthplace of the game!

Sandwich sign with “It’s true! Bainbridge Island is the birthplace of Pickleball. Est 1965. Get your swag HERE!

Latest in everyday mandala series…

Overlapping circular stains on concrete positioned equally distant from top and sides of vertical rectangular frame.

I like this as a stand alone image…

Two window panes with condensation, separated by a dark black mullion running from top to bottom at the center of the frame.


Nice recipe for eggplant. Keeps the oil to eggplant down and yields a crispy skin and silky herbed “meat.”…

Play with spices to your taste.