02 The Bell Jar, Chapter 09, Sylvia Plath

… the more i read, the more i realize that Bell Jar is a feminist work, carefully outlining the options available to women in the day and setting the heroine up to choose among unappealing alternatives… we’ve had the fatherly doctor-to-be proposing marriage already… it seems to be a fantasy that Esther doesn’t want… now we are following her and Hilda to work… Hilda, who is busy being a store mannequin and looking at herself in every window that bounces back her reflection… Hilda seems to have settled on the fantasy she wants…

… a dramatic twist, a blind date, Marco, attempts to rape Esther… her last night in the city… it prepares to spit her out…

03 About Asshole Airline Passengers

… apparently people are flying again and they are acting like assholes in unprecedented numbers… as i read this i peg it to 45 and his complete disregard for anything that might constrain him… i view it as another symptom of the dangerous space we are heading into in this country… i wonder how we might stuff this Pandora horror back into the box… I look up Pandora on Wikipedia and immediately realize how misogynist the myth is, a woman responsible for releasing all of the ills of humanity into the world… well, the later day interpretation features an asshole man in the role… i speculate whether one could write a Pandora story with a man as central character?…

05 About Abortion Rights

Middlebury College economist Caitlin Knowles Myers projects that overturning Roe might reduce the annual number of abortions by about 14 percent. “A post-Roe United States isn’t one in which abortion isn’t legal at all,” Myers told The New York Times. “It’s one in which there’s tremendous inequality in abortion access.”1

… having just been thinking about atrocities and the atrocious, i encounter this article and wonder, why are these “atrocities” so important to stop, and others not?… the same Christians so adamant about abortion are pro Israel in spite of its atrocious treatment of Palestinians… the same Christians many decades ago lynched black men and women(?)… there is something unique about the unborn child?… i suspect it is a useful political issue for rallying the faithful as well as a means of oppression of women, especially women of color…

… pro choice advocates are resigning themselves to further restriction of abortion after the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case out of Mississippi…

… we are not logical animals… we are primal and political animals… the ability to reason only means we can work out a defense for atrocities and the atrocious…

  1. Jacob Sullum: https://reason.com/2021/05/20/will-pro-life-politicians-face-a-backlash-if-the-supreme-court-lets-them-restrict-abortion/ ↩︎