Journaling, A New Rabbit Hole

… it started with Modern Nature, a journal kept during the years 1990-1991 by Derek Jarman… it chronicles time following his initial diagnosis as HIV positive… it’s been a very interesting read, with several references to other interesting reads… one of them is The Journals of Denton Welch… DJ admired, as, apparently, most people do, the prose of Denton Welch… i wanted to see what precise, crystalline prose looked like so i ordered a used copy of the book which arrived yesterday…

… so, that makes two journals on my reading list… no wait, i seem to recall purchasing the journals of Sylvia Plath too… three journals on my reading list…

… this morning i read a review of No. 91/92: Notes on a Parisian Commute, by Lauren Elkin… it’s a journal of the quotidian… brief notes typed into a smartphone during her bi-weekly commuting routine… yup… something i have done, still do… from this review i learn about Georges Perec who had a cataloguing methodology and was a champion of noticing the small events that make up life… she was also inspired by the journaling of Annie Ernaux… some lengthy poking around to find an example of the journaling… nothing pops up as a journal per se, but her writing is autobiographical… more exploration later…

… and so, it seems the cosmos is driving me down a rabbit hole on journaling…

… it is time for my walk… i will have more to say on this rabbit hole…

Lauren Elkin on Another

No. 91/92: A Diary of a Year on the Bus

… this book catches my attention… the come on about not looking at commuting the same every day… the still images of women staring blankly into space, which turn out not to be buy the author, but are, instead, film stills from movies by directors that are felt to be relevant to the work being discussed… the book comes from notes the author made on her phone as she traveled to and from work on the bus in Paris… this is the kind of thing that i have done… i am enthralled… i buy the Kindle version of the book to read while i am on vacation…