
The Red Hand Files, Nick Cave

… what a fascinating website from a fascinating creator…


… they say it’s important to have a plan…

… my plan is to to write one long form titled post each week… i will set aside Saturday mornings for doing this (i am an early riser even on Sat)… content would be drawn from the past week of reading, journal writing and blog posting…

… these will be one of several kinds of titled post i produce… another is a weekly photo micro edit1 which i have already begun…

… all titled posts will be gathered together in a monthly newsletter post…

… that’s my plan and i am sticking to it…

  1. … by this i mean a small set of images drawn from the past week’s photographs, edited together to be a whole greater than the parts… ↩︎

07 Found my Blogging Paradise

… i have been writing a journal and publishing much of it for a couple of years now… i read and write and write about what i read daily, and it adds up to quite a bit each day… i have been publishing the days work in one post, complete with the photographs i make, etc… as i say, it adds up to a lot, some of it almost pointless fluff, some of it quite serious and contemplative… almost nobody reads it as far as i can tell, and truthfully, i haven’t promoted it much… i always expected it would be too time consuming and not of enough interest for anyone to read regularly…

… i think that may be changing, at least the time consuming part… whether the change means it will be more compelling, i don’t know, probably not, but at least it is being delivered in more bite sized containers…

… it has changed because i started to write using the wonderful writing app, Ulysses and because recently Ulysses developed the ability to publish directly to the Micro.blog platform… i had never heard of the platform, but investigate, set up an account, and recently took “notesonattentionpaid” as my domain name… as the name suggests, it’s a collection of thoughts about what has caught my attention… each thought or thoughts set is a stand alone post, so a prospective reader can settle on the post that seems most interesting and read that… as i said, less daunting… interesting to you?, maybe…