01 First Thoughts

… struggling a little to wake up this morning…

… we finally got thunderstorms and some rain last night… it’s cooler this morning by my studio hasn’t gotten the memo… i don’t know what it is about this room, but the air does not circulate, it takes it a while to catch up with the rest of the house, and i have no AC in the room… uggh…

… there have been summers where i have moved my desktop computer down to the dining room (where there is AC) and spent July, August and some of September there… so far i haven’t moved, we’ll see…

… news that Bill Cosby has been set free on a technicality… people with money to fight have way better prospects than those who do not… an unfair, unequal justice system… only thing that could be called good about the situation is that it is a black man with the resources to find and pursue the technicalities… he is still a rapist…

… Fiona breathing, sleeping on the floor behind me…

… birds chittering, chattering, tweet-tweeting, warbling, all the sounds that birds make… it’s still pretty dark, but they know the sun is coming…

… Fiona has a vet appointment today… annual physical, should be nothing more than good health confirmation… i need to get going on some of the doctoring i need to do…